Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

CATRENE Project AppsGate - Smart Home Application Gateway

  • Duration: june 2012 - June 2015

  • Coordinator: ST Microelectronics

  • Other partners: Pace, Technicolor, NXP, Myriad France SAS, 4MOD Technology, HI-IBERIA Ingenieria y Proyectos, ADD Semiconductor, Video Stream Network, SoftKinetic, Optrima, Fraunhofer, Vsonix, Evalan, University UJF/LIG, and Institut Telecom.

The Prima Project team has worked with 15 other partners to develop a new generation of set-top box for smart home applications. In close collaboration with ST Microelectronics and Immotronics, Prima has developed the core middleware components for plug and play integration of smart home devices for distributed smart home services, as well as interactive tools for End User Development of Smart Home services.

AppsGate has developed an Open Platform to provide integrated home applications to the consumer mass market. The set-top box is the primary point of entry into the digital home for television services including cable TV, satellite TV, and IPTV. AppsGate will transform the set-box into a residential gateway, capable of delivering multiple services to the home, including video, voice and data. PRIMA is involved in designing End User Development tools dedicated for the Smart Home

ICTLabs Smart Energy Systems Activity 11831 Making Energy Visible

Participants : Sabine Coquillart, James Crowley [correspondant] , Patrick Reignier, Mayeul de Werbier d Antigneul.

Smart energy Systems, Smart Grids

Within Activity 11831 Open SES Experience Labs, PRIMA is responsible for the A1405 "Making Energy Visible" within the Smart Energy Systems action line of ICTlabs. The objective of this task is to design, implement and evaluate tools for online and offline interaction with energy usage. The group works with Immotronics to define an open middleware that will enable logging, aggregation and interactive visualization of data and information on energy consumption and on environmental parameters that define comfort. The open middleware will include an SQL Data base, web socket and an xml markup language to define a common naming scheme, tools for assigning location in both space (geometry coordinates) and place (functional places), as well as data aggregation tools.

The open middleware will serve as a common software platform that will be used for the Inria Rapid Deployment mini-kit as well as for data acquisition by other partners using other sensors. Univ Bologna will provide (sell) copies of their new energy measurement meter for integration into the system. Univ of Bologna, Fraunhofer, Fortis and Inria will construct tools for offline and online visualization. The system will be deployed and evaluated by social scientists at the living lab of Politechnico Turin. Turin will specify requirements for visualisation of energy and comfort for smart grid applications, and perform user studies and evaluations on the resulting systems.

Visualisation includes on-line and offline exploration, as well as tools for html web interface, Mobile augmented reality tools, apps for display on mobile devices, 3D visual interaction, and immersive interaction with an oculus Rift.